Thank You!
Thank You!
Thank you for participating in our Cultivating Leadership for Breed Organizations Conservation Planning course. We hoped you found the information presented in this course informative and useful for your breed organization. We welcome your feedback and questions at [email protected] .
To register for additional courses in this series, visit Cultivating Leadership Initiative .
Did you know that many of America’s once-common farm animals face extinction if we do not take action now? Rare farm animals represent an irreplaceable piece of Earth’s biodiversity and offer incredible variety that may be needed for the future of farming - robust health, mothering instincts, foraging, and the ability to thrive in a changing climate. These farm animals are a vital part of ensuring food security for our planet – now and for the future. The Livestock Conservancy's mission is to protect endangered livestock and poultry breeds from extinction.
You can help save these endangered livestock and poultry breeds by
- subscribing to our monthly eNews email,
- making a donation to make future educational materials like this webinar possible,
- becoming a member to stay current on future conservation opportunities, and
- following us on Facebook and Instagram to share the stories of these rare animals.
Stronger Together
Together, we are stronger. By educating and training organizations on the front lines of saving rare and endangered livestock, we can harness the power of strong, effective breed associations. The advantages of critical conservation work will be significantly multiplied beyond that which we could accomplish working alone.
If you have questions about any of the programs or services mentioned above, or would more information, please email [email protected].
If you need to update your email information, visit
We look forward to working with you!
Special thanks to Tractor Supply Company for making this webinar possible.